When you're travelling on local transport services in Germany (or further afield), DB's line agent app is your faithful companion. It doesn't just keep you informed about disruptions, but it also tells you the best alternative route to your destination.
News via push notification
Sign up for as many connections as you want the app to monitor for you. Once a disruption or delay is reported, the app immediately lets you know if it affects your journey.
Route-specific incident notification
In addition to supplying you with the latest updates about delays and disruptions, our transport management team will also proactively inform you about route-related problems and construction work throughout Germany's local transport network long before you embark on your journey and this news is incorporated into service announcements.
Alternative travel options
When you receive push notifications about disruptions, the line agent app will also suggest alternatives for onward travel and connections using a host of different public transport options.
Station information
The app also lets you search for information you need about a specific train station, such as transport links, arrival and departure times, a map of the surrounding area, etc. If your onward journey is with a rail replacement service, handy directions will inform you how to get to the temporary stops set up for the relevant service at stations.
We hope you enjoy this new travel planning assistant, and we wish you a pleasant journey!</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>